Myth: Tung oil is a recent find, just hitting the market in the 1960s.
Fact: Tung oil is thousands of years old.
Many people think tung oil only just emerged in 1965, when Homer Formsby put his special tung-oil based formulation on the market. While we undoubtedly owe a lot to Formsby for popularizing this incredible oil, his product was a slight reinvention of an oil first found in writings by Confucius way back in 500 B.C. There’s a reason tung oil is also known as China wood oil. The Chinese have long turned to the tung nut as a treatment for a variety of ailments, as well as a waterproofing agent for their handmade boats. Today, we’re able to use this ancient “secret” to give all kinds of woodworking crafts and up-cycled furniture a gorgeous new look.
Myth: Tung oil never dries and is a real pain to work with.
Fact: Tung oil takes long to dry, but it does dry.
While it’s true it takes tung oil a little longer to dry than lesser oils and you’ll need to put in a little more effort to achieve the perfect finish, all that time on the front end means a long-lasting, more brilliant result you’ll enjoy for years to come. Remember, fast-drying oils leave you no time to correct mistakes, and that’s a lot of pressure when you value quality over speed.
Myth: There’s no reason to buy tung oil when I can get boiled linseed oil (BLO) for less money.
Fact: Pure tung oil is pure, won’t discolor and features a host of other benefits lacking in BLO.
If you process flax seeds you get linseed oil, a compound with a storied history almost as long as the one associated with tung oil, but the comparisons stop there. While linseed oil may be cheaper, it also has added metal compounds and dries faster. The latter may seem like a good thing, but it can make an even finish harder to come by unless you’re committed to working at a furious pace.
BLO is also prone to yellowing with age and can go rancid or even lead to mildew. Tung oil, on the other hand, retains some flexibility when it hardens — ideal for wooden joints and the like — and has waterproofing qualities that keep your beautiful finish intact.
Myth: Tung oil is a risky choice for anyone suffering from a nut allergy.
Fact: Not necessarily because tung nuts aren’t actually nuts!
Tung nuts are actually the seeds inside the fruit of the tung tree. They fall into a category called “drupes,” which also includes other fleshy fruits surrounding a “pit” or shelled seed, such as cherries, plums, peaches and even almonds and pecans. It’s not at all unusual for someone who has a tree nut allergy to be perfectly fine with consuming drupes. Peanuts, by the way, are technically legumes. Even if you can’t eat peanut butter, you may be able to safely enjoy coconut, peaches, pistachios, and yes, even tung nuts and the resulting oil.
Please contact us by email [email protected] to buy Pure Tung Oil or WhatsApp’s at +84.903561868 to get started. We will provide Tung Oil 100% pure & natural, non-toxic paint that is 100% organic to wood wax or paste to complete your project.