Since our beginnings in 2011, we have NEVER sold or traded any of our customer information, nor have we ever jeopardized that information or your privacy.
Usually, when we place orders online, all of our personal information including credit card information is stored on the company’s website server or Internet connected server. It can reside there for months and even years, ripe for the opportunity of theft.
Immediately after you place an online order with Tung Oil Vietnam, only a small handful of authorized employees have access to your order and they will promptly print out your order for further processing in our offices. Following this step, they then delete it from the server immediately. We do not let your information sit idly on a server, and no part of your personal or financial information is ever stored on any computer with an outside connection to a publicly accessible network (internet).
All hard copy orders that have been printed, processed, and shipped are further filed in a secure and protected environment, and then burned after a predetermined time.
Websites that you buy from might not be the only security threat to be concerned about. Many companies contract third parties or outside credit card processing services. We DO NOT contract our credit card processing services to any outside organization. It is all done within our own facilities by our own staff.